Beyond affordable housing, Taking a diversified approach to social infrastructure investments

Institutional investors have allocated significant capital to affordable housing funds over recent years.
Why are UK insurers investing in commercial ground rents?

AlphaReal is a specialist real assets investment manager. We estimate that UK insurers have invested over £1.5 billion into Commercial Ground Rents (CGRs) over the last 18 months or so.
Secure income made simple guide

This secure income made simple guide will show why secure income can play a role in helping pension investors achieve their investment objectives and that now could be an excellent time to capture the opportunity at an attractive price.
European Fund Survey

We asked European pension fund professionals, who collectively oversee €324 billion in assets, questions about their investments.
The Liquidity Kink Revisited

In 2022, we wrote about a feature of the pensions risk transfer market we termed ‘the liquidity kink’. A year on, many pension schemes can now afford to buy-out with an insurer, yet schemes still hold illiquid assets.
The liquidity kink

Are pension schemes missing out on the illiquidity premium? Investing in secure income illiquid assets can bring more certainty to a scheme’s journey plan. The ‘liquidity kink’ means schemes targeting buy-out believe they can’t exploit the illiquidity premium.